Developing Communities Through Education, Health and Life Skills Workshops


For improved grades and confidence, we’ve been helping our students to achieve higher scores in math, English, and history. Our tutors have extensive experience — whether your child needs support with middle or high school courses — our team of educators can help. We are offering unique and proven ways to introduce subjects to students and significantly improving marks. Upgrade your kids’ skills with our instant help and service. Our online tutoring will help your child improve knowledge without letting them feel overwhelmed after learning new concepts in school. Sign up today for our online tutoring programs!

Community Projects

Giving back and assisting others is the basis of community service. Thus, it teaches us how significant it is to help the ones in need, the ones who are less fortunate than us. The importance of community service lies in the fact that it connects us to the community by improving it, and making it a better place for all of us to live in.

Financial Literacy

We are working to help people become financially stable, meaning we will help you develop a game plan to break free of living paycheck to paycheck. The goal is to develop financial literacy and gain a strong fundamental understanding of the stock market. Make no mistake, this isn’t about getting rich quick, this will take hard work and dedication.

This is a culmination of knowledge gained by reading and studying the most successful investors of all time. We take that advice and proven track records of the greatest minds in investing, melt it all together with personal experiences to provide you a simple course that is easy to understand.

Life Skills

We begin by looking at the big picture and we ask a “not so simple” question. “What do you need to do in your daily life to manage your personal affairs that will lead you to reach your goals?” Next we assess where the students are regarding the area that we are working on. We can use Nutrition Meals and Cooking as our example. We start with a hands-on assessment beginning with menu planning, grocery shopping, making a meal together and cleaning up. During the process, we explore what worked, what needed to be adjusted and what new learning might need to be done in order to reach the desired outcome. As we work with the student to practice these skills daily, it will lead to increased independence (but not necessarily less involvement) from our coaches depending on the student’s goals and desires.

Job Skills Training Workshops

The workshops are designed to help you stay competitive in your search for employment, and they are taught by certified professionals with job seekers in mind.

We host in-person workshops as well as virtual training.

To participate in in-person workshops, please select the date and location you wish to join on the calendar, and register through the link.

To participate in virtual workshops, please select the date and topic you wish to participate in, and register through the link on the calendar. You will be emailed a link to the scheduled Zoom session. 5-10 minutes before the workshop begins. Training schedules will be available soon.

Executive Presentation Skills

Being a successful leader in part hinges on your ability to communicate your ideas and authority in a clear and compelling manner. As executives are called to deliver presentations more often inside and outside the organization, how you deliver these presentations is ultimately a reflection of your executive presence.

In this course, you will learn how to “up your game” by delivering powerful presentations that convey information in a compelling, memorable and actionable manner. You’ll learn how to:

Plan and organize your presentation, including identifying the right kind and level of content for your audience

Tell your message in a way that your audience will remember it and act on it–from delivering a killer opening, including visuals, using storytelling, creating an emotional connection, and generating discussion

Deliver your presentation with poise and confidence, including body language and tips for overcoming stage fright

Handle tough Q&A sessions